Grow your Business
Family Business
Entrepreneurial selling

Knowledge Professional to Knowledge Entrepreneur

 Monetize your expertise

Entrepreneurial Mindset

Learn how to think & to act as entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurial Problem Solving 

Learn how to generate ideas to solve thorny issues & unlock value

Get business and deliver your offering

Learn how to test your idea, look for customers and engage them

Start your 

enterpreneurial venture

Entrepreneurial Mindset

Learn how to think & act as entrepreneurs



Entrepreneurial Problem Solving 

Learn how to generate ideas to solve thorny issues & unlock value


Test your business model 

Learn how to conduct your viability test for launch success 

Expert to Knowledge Entrepreneur

Many times knowledge professionals venture into entrepreneurship without much success. They struggle at different stages of development (see Solopreneur Development Hierarchy) Often they start as a Hustler--taking any project that come their way. Sometimes they get better and become a Freelancer while still at their full-time job.

But their objective is ultimately to be able to monetize their expertise--become a knowledge entrepreneur.Ā 

We can show you how to become a Knowledge Solopreneur in five easy steps.

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Expert to Knowledge Entrepreneur

Find out how you can make the transition from knowledge professional to someone who can monetize their expertise. There are five steps you need to complete to bridge the gap. 

Build Your Legacy Business: Solopreneur To Family Business Hero, book is now available at leading bookstores in Trinidad & Tobago.


Video: Building Your Legacy Business interview

Find out why you need to get out of your COMFORT ZONE.